Friday, August 16, 2013

Let’s Talk About Mold

______it’s dirty.
__________it’s stinky.

______________It’s toxic.

It’s everywhere.

AGH! It’s scary! ARG! It’s annoying!

Sometimes it’s obvious. Sometimes you smell it. And sometimes you just have an intuition that it’s there.

So what do you do?

Well, I sat down this week with Mold Inspector, Mr. Fuzzy Green-Professional Mold Inspector of Lenexa, and got the low-down for all our Homeowners out there.

Homeowner: Hey Mr. Green! Thanks for chatting with us today. Mold has become an increasingly bigger and bigger issue for Homeowners across the globe. We get a lot of them asking us what they can do if they suspect mold. Can you explain briefly exactly what you do?

Fuzzy: As a mold inspector our job is to inspect a property for mold contamination, identify the type of mold and its toxins, and determine the source of the mold growth and a scope of work for proper remediation. On top of this, in our inspection we report areas that could be susceptible to future mold contamination and give recommendations on how to fix and prevent mold from growing.

Homeowner: When a homeowner is previewing a property, what signs would they see that indicate the presence of mold?

Fuzzy: If there are no signs of visible mold, indications would include a musty odor, water stains on the ceilings and walls, cracked tiles and deteriorated grout in the kitchens and bathrooms, any water stains/damage below sinks and/or soft spots near or around any sinks, tubs, toilets or drains.

Homeowner: What are common causes of mold growth?

Fuzzy: There are two main causes of mold growth, Poor ventilation and moisture.

Homeowner: How can a homeowner prevent mold from growing?

Fuzzy: First defense against mold growth is to alert the landlord of any water leaks. Other prevention steps would be to be sure to use the bathroom fan when showering, don’t leave wet rags or towels beneath the sink or in laundry room closets and try to allow the unit to “breathe” by opening windows regularly.

Homeowner: Let’s say a one suspect’s mold in their home. They call you to come inspect. What can they expect? What happens during the inspection, how long does it take, etc.?

Fuzzy: It depends on the situation. Inspections can last from 30 minutes for a partial inspection (inspection of a specific area) to three hours for an inspection of the entire property.

·         During the inspection I will be using a moisture meter as well as sight and smell to find signs of moisture intrusion. If any moisture intrusion is found I will then inspect deeper to determine if there is any microbial growth.

Homeowner: Do you have anything to add?

Fuzzy: Yes, it is important for everybody to know that mold is everywhere; it’s in the air we breathe. There are thousands of different types of mold; out of the thousands there are approximately 100 that produce toxins. This is why it’s important to determine the type of mold. While you do not want any type of mold to be growing where you live or work, drastic action needs to be taken when toxic molds are present.


Homeowner: Thanks Mr. Green! Keep up the good work.

                                                            Written By: The Rental Girl

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